Faculty of Computational Science has organised the workshop on “Arduino IoT” dated 11th October 2019. The main focus of this workshop is to make students aware the applicability of IoT; which is to be considering prominent in field of automation and smart appliances. Faculty of Computational Science is always eager to take the leap to share the current trends and technology with the students. Faculty of Computational Science always encourage the student to excel in their interested filed.
The students of MCA, BCA, B.Sc(IT) semester-3 attended the workshop on the most emerging field, Arduino delivered by Mr. Karan Arora from Itronix Solution, Chandigarh dated October 11th, 2019. The resource person covers the basic to practical demonstrations with Arduino which is an open-source hardware and software platform, The trainer also introduced the students about the IoT using Arduino microcontroller (MCU) is easy and fun for those who are new to the field. In the last session the speaker introduce the current consumer market, IoT technology is most synonymous with products pertaining to the concept of the “smart home”, including devices and appliances (such as lighting fixtures, thermostats, home security systems and cameras, and other home appliances) that support one or more common ecosystems, and can be controlled via devices associated with that ecosystem, such as smartphones and smart speakers. Dr. Umesh Seigal, Dean FCS, offered his deep gratitude to the resource person for giving the students of the GNA University a chance to attain the current trends and the basics hand on top the python programming. Dr. Narendra Awasthi, Registrar, Dr. Monica Hanspal, Assistant Dean of System and Operations, Mr. Abhishek Sood ,CRD Team conveyed best wishes all the students for a very successful career at GNA University. The vice chancellor and pro vice chancellor have always been at the forefront of every activity at the university. Sincere thanks to them from FCS department.