Centre of Excellence for Culinary Arts and School of Hospitality at GNA UniversityorganisedInternational Chefs’ Day. The main objective of the event was to recognize and honour chefs for their contributions in the culinary world. It aims to inspire aspiring chefs promoting culinary education and fostering a sense of community within the culinary profession.
In Remembrance of the International Chefs’ Day, School of Hospitality presented “NavAahar” a Navratri inspired platter with 9 types of dishes dedicated to 9 days of fasting, a Hindu festival that spans nine nights and celebrates the victory of good over evil. As part of this event, the School of Hospitality presented a Navratri special food thali, which featured nine varieties of Navratri diet meals especially prepared by the students of Hospitality.
This special food thali acted as a delightful and authentic way to experience the flavours and traditions of Navratri during the past celebration. Each meal was carefully crafted to represent the diversity of Navratri cuisine and was prepared with the utmost dedication and expertiseto celebrate culinary excellence and provide guests with a truly immersive dining experience.
The Chancellor, S. Gurdeep Singh Sihraalong with other dignitaries-Dr. VK Rattan, the Vice-Chancellor, Dr.Hemant Sharma, the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Monika Hanspal, Dean Academics & Systems Operations and Dr. Deepak Kumar, Dean, School of Hospitality, Chef DhirajPathakHOD, School of Hospitalitycongratulated and and supported the efforts of students and faculty members.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Chancellor expressed, “Such events happening in the University not only add diversity to our culture, but also motivate other schools to actively participate in University level events.”