The sleepless nights and the rigorous practices for the fresher’s party finally paid off. The fresher’s party was organized by GNA University in Konica Resort, Jalandhar. The University welcomed their fresh inmates by offering them a motivational welcome by Mr. Simerjeet Singh, the internationally renowned Motivational Speaker and Performance Coach.

The opening ceremony was inaugurated by the Pro-Chancellor- S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra. He expressed to the gathered audience to have purposeful education so as to become good human beings with skill and expertise to excel in this competitive world. Being an industrialist himself, he urged the students to make the most of their stay at GNA University to become what exactly our modern industry needs.
Dr. VK Rattan, the Vice- Chancellor, GNA University welcomed the new students to the University and congratulated the event organizing committee for the wonderful preparation. Dr Rattan ignited the youth to have strong determination and take the opportunity which the university will provide to flower their personality. He also apprised the new entrants about the vision and mission of the university.

Mr. Simerjeet Singh, emphasized on the importance of priorities and expressed, “The first step in achieving your priorities faster is knowing your priorities.” He even asked the students to have faith in their ideas and believe your ideas have the potential to make a difference. Overall the Fresher’s Party has been etched eternally in the hearts of the freshers and GNA legacy. The entire venue got mesmerised and enlightened with the talk delivered by the renowned motivational speaker and the live cultural performances, especially the Fashion Show by the GNAites. The University also titled Mr. & Ms. GNA, Ms. Smile, Ms. & Mr. Personality and Mr. Photogenic.