GNA University is actively organizing various activities under the aegis of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ i.e. 75th Year of Indian Independence. Faculty of Hospitality (FOH) team under the leadership of Prof. (Dr.) Deepak Kumar also celebrated ‘Azadi ka Amarit Mahotsav’ by organizing Tricolor theme based lunch. The objective behind organizing this event was to celebrate Indian Independence. The event was started by ‘cake cutting ceremony’. Honourable Pro Chancellor, S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra was chief guest of this event. As theme was tricolour based, hence all décor, food, beverages and dessert were tricolour themed. It was great learning experience for our students. S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Pro-Chancellor, GNA University said, “Such events play significant role in students’ learning and gives them experience and confidence to join hospitality industry.” Dr. V.K. Rattan, the Vice-Chancellor, Dr.Raj Kumar Mahajan, the Registrar and Dr. Monika Hanspal, Dean Academics and other dignitaries from GNA University also graced the event.