GNA University and Radio City, a prominent radio channel 91.9 FM, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The objective behind signing this MoU is to foster collaboration in the realms of education, media, and entertainment industry.
The MoU, signed between GNA University and Radio City, pertains specifically to students enrolled in the School of Design & Mass Communication. As part of the collaboration, SDMC students will be showcasing their creative skills by 2D animating a special YouTube series HAPPY PINKI for Radio City.
In this partnership, Radio City will offer the students of GNA University, a chance to experience the world of commercial radio firsthand. Selected students will get the unique opportunity to be a Radio Jockey for a day, gaining insights into the exciting world of radio broadcasting.
This collaboration signifies a mutual commitment to the development and empowerment of students in the fields of animation and media production. It also exemplifies the power of partnerships between educational institutions and industry leaders in nurturing talent and bridging the gap between academia and the professional world.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Chancellor GNA University expressed his elation in collaborating together, making the students outshine in the field of media industry.