School of Liberal Artsorganiseda Workshop on ‘Inspire to Aspire Ladder to Employability’. The resource person for this Workshop was RjNidhi Sharma, Founder Director of Audio Chaska. The key objective behind organizing this Workshop was to develop a spark in students through the functional applicability of voice modulation and make them familiar with the requirements for being a voice-over actor for employability in future along with solid confidence in language while engaging with different people.
Students from the School of Liberal Arts and the School of Animation, Design and Multimedia marked their presence in the session by Ms Nidhi Sharma.
The resource person, RjNidhi Sharmacommenced with exploration of job opportunities in the field of Voice Modulation. She assured the participants about the immense opportunities in this field provided they should nurture a sense of improving oneself every day.

RjNidhi said, “Build character to impress yourself first by widening your thinking”. Sheemphasised the need to havethis ideathat one’s voice has power, the way one speaks effect enormouslyadds value to one’s words. The Workshop covered the aspects of modulations, tempo and pauses in the speech. She said pauses while speaking are important.
Expert shared a ‘Balloon Breathing’ exercise with students and advised them to exercise it to improve one’s speech quality.RjNidhi culminated the session with advice to the students that one should regularly practice accent, diction and proper pronunciation of words for better impact and carving a niche in the growing industry.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Chancellor expressed, “I appreciate the efforts of the School in organising such Workshops that instil an urge in students to take up a momentum leap in life for better employability.”
Dr.DishaKhanna, the Dean School of Liberal Arts said, “The School of Liberal Artsis committed to provide students with the best exposure of skills pertaining to liberal educationso that they can be future ready for the industry.”