GNA University organised a virtual webinar on “Research publication in ABDC & High Impact Journals” for the research scholars and faculty members. The resource person for the Webinar was Dr. Nripendra Singh, Professor of Marketing, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, United States. The Webinar commenced with a warm welcoming of the Resource person by the Deputy Dean, GNA Business School and the Assistant Dean, Research Division, GNA University.
The main objective of the Webinar was to acquaint the research scholars and the faculty members with the knowledge of processes related to research publication in journals of international repute such as ABDC Journals and Scopus Indexed International Journals. Dr. Nripendra Singh started the session with the perspective that the contemporary academic ideology in the universities across the world is now either publish or perish. In this regard, the resource person elaborated the concept of impact factor and other research metrics (i.e. SCI, etc.) for understanding the worth a journal. Dr. Nripendra Singh talked about the components of writing a good research paper and shared examples from varied domains and explained meaningfully how pre and post coherent communication with the journal officials is pivotal in understanding their perspective towards the submitted research paper.
The Webinar session was quite interactive, as research scholars and faculty members asked pertinent queries from the Resource person which were appropriately handled and answered. At the end, Dr. Disha Khanna, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Liberal Arts shared her formal views on the Webinar expressing it to be a thorough journey of knowing all the nuances of good research writing. Dr. Sandilyan, Dean, Faculty of Hospitality presented formal Vote of Thanks and expressed his deep gratitude on behalf of the Management and scholars.
S. Gurdeep Singh Sihra, the Pro-Chancellor, GNA University expressed, “I acknowledge the efforts of GNA Business School in organizing such virtual sessions to increase the academic acumen of the research scholars and faculty members”.
Dr. V. K. Rattan, the Vice Chancellor, GNA University said “GNA University always provides periodic training to their research scholars and faculty members to enhance their research capabilities”. Dr. Monika Hanspal, Dean Academics, GNA University commented, “I firmly believe that these virtual webinars will surely add to the academic potential of the research scholars and the faculty members of the University giving them a new cutting edge to delve deep into research”.